We hope you've been enjoying our content on Instagram! The second series in the topic of puberty is about things related to hormones during pre-adolescent / adolescent times ~
Wanted to know more on the info we shared in this week's posts? Find the sources and links we referenced in our posts below.
(Side note: we hope you enjoyed our continued #throwback pictures of us in middle/high school.)
Mayo Clinic: PCOS
PCOS in Adolescence on NCBI (NIH.gov)
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome–Related Depression in Adolescent Girls on NCBI (NIH.gov)
PCOS Misdiagnosed/Undiagnosed Rate in paper from human reproduction on Oxford Academic
PCOS - Risk for Type 2 Diabetes on NCBI (NIH.gov)
WomensHealth.gov on PCOS
PCOS & Infertility on Modern Fertility
Podcast Episode on Fempower Health with Megan Pearson, PCOSAA Founder
Hormones 101: Emotions & Cycles
Pussypedia: Your Cycle, Your Feelings
Moody Month: Hormone 101: Testosterone
Fairview: Understanding PMS and Your Cycle
Merk Manual: Menstrual Cycle
Women in Balance: About Hormone Imbalance (How Does My Hormone Cycle Work?)
Sexual Pleasure
Acne: How Hormones Cause Breakouts
Medical News Today: Hormonal acne: What you need to know
Healthline: Hormonal Acne: Traditional Treatments, Natural Remedies, and More
Mayo Clinic: Acne
If you haven't yet seen these posts yet, go check them out on our Instagram. Thank you!